Friday, May 11, 2007

"My heart is steadfast" (Psalm 108)

Last Sunday evening we read in Psalm 39 how to play it when our passions have us in torment. When David kept silence and his pain grew worse, he prayed, "Lord, make me know how transient I am."

That's very contrary to the usual way of thinking, that in order to be confident and steadfast we need feel strong and impressive. That's why people fortify themselves with dope, drink, indignation, and other such mood-altering drugs. Knowing that the way of deliverance is actually to come face up to our weakness has many benefits. Deliverance from various addictions is certainly one of these unexpected bennies.

In Psalm 108, David rejoices in the opposite condition, "My heart is steadfast." But then, instead of boasting, he rejoices in God and gives thanks and praise to him. You can't do that unless you know that steadfastnbess is truly foreign to yourself and that it's cause for thanksgiving to God, its source. So then, only those who really know their frailty and weakness can safely be made steadfast - free from conceit, boasting, and contempt for others. Thus, as Paul wrote, my strength is made perfect in weakness. Let us then learn of our weakness in every way possible, not hiding from it or trying to do away with it ourselves anymore.


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