Julian Assange, and the practicality of biblical morality
I woke up this morning remembering that Julian Assange of Wikileaks is now holed up in the Ecuadoran embassy in London, and the chances are he's not going anywhere soon - if he's lucky. And just how did that happen? Well, on a trip to Sweden, he entertained a couple of ladies in his bed that he did not know. The Bible explains what happened, "The immoral man sins against his own body."
Not long after he zoomed into this honey trap - turns out one of the ladies has CIA connections - they found a prosecutor to say they wanted to talk to him even though they weren't actually charging him with anything. And, what is generally unheard of, the British courts ruled that he be extradited to Sweden although he isn't even charged, and even if he were, what the Swedes are making noises about is not a crime in Britain. Finally, if they wanted to talk to Assange, nothing was stopping a Swedish prosecutor from saving a lot of money and trouble by just coming to Britain to see him..
What's pretty obvious, and what people have focused on, is that the British and the Swedes are doubtless acting in this weird way because the Americans want him in order to avenge his disclosures of their conduct. If Assange winds up in Sweden, the Swedes will doubtless let the Americans kidnap him, and he will disappear into the American gulag without any due process or through some bogus indictment, as so many others have. However it is, for sure Assange will disappear forever into some hole - American law, the Constitution, or anything else be damned.
But the real takeaway is that in this senseless caper, Assange in the most literal sense sinned against his own body, which is now trapped indefinitely in the Ecuadoran embassy in London. He was warned and fully knew that the Americans were trying to catch him in a honey trap.
What this incident clearly teaches us is that Paul's warning against sexual immorality is not really about morality and virtue. It concerns the hard, practical realities of tradecraft. As Sun Tzu wrote, "Do not gobble proffered bait!" As any intelligence agent is warned, "Avoid honey traps!"
If we think the Bible is primarily about virtue and moral excellence, we're just not getting it. It's how to live in a world which is not looking out for your spiritual health. Jesus said, "The world hates me because I testify of it that its works are evil," which is exactly why the American government hates Julian Assange, and if we're disciples of Jesus, the world will hate us the same way, and for the same reason. If we don't want to get in a jam like Julian Assange, let's take God's advice: "Stay away from honey traps!" (Proverbs 7). If we blow off that advice, it's our own stupidity, not the injustice of those that caught us, that we need to keep in view.
Not long after he zoomed into this honey trap - turns out one of the ladies has CIA connections - they found a prosecutor to say they wanted to talk to him even though they weren't actually charging him with anything. And, what is generally unheard of, the British courts ruled that he be extradited to Sweden although he isn't even charged, and even if he were, what the Swedes are making noises about is not a crime in Britain. Finally, if they wanted to talk to Assange, nothing was stopping a Swedish prosecutor from saving a lot of money and trouble by just coming to Britain to see him..
What's pretty obvious, and what people have focused on, is that the British and the Swedes are doubtless acting in this weird way because the Americans want him in order to avenge his disclosures of their conduct. If Assange winds up in Sweden, the Swedes will doubtless let the Americans kidnap him, and he will disappear into the American gulag without any due process or through some bogus indictment, as so many others have. However it is, for sure Assange will disappear forever into some hole - American law, the Constitution, or anything else be damned.
But the real takeaway is that in this senseless caper, Assange in the most literal sense sinned against his own body, which is now trapped indefinitely in the Ecuadoran embassy in London. He was warned and fully knew that the Americans were trying to catch him in a honey trap.
What this incident clearly teaches us is that Paul's warning against sexual immorality is not really about morality and virtue. It concerns the hard, practical realities of tradecraft. As Sun Tzu wrote, "Do not gobble proffered bait!" As any intelligence agent is warned, "Avoid honey traps!"
If we think the Bible is primarily about virtue and moral excellence, we're just not getting it. It's how to live in a world which is not looking out for your spiritual health. Jesus said, "The world hates me because I testify of it that its works are evil," which is exactly why the American government hates Julian Assange, and if we're disciples of Jesus, the world will hate us the same way, and for the same reason. If we don't want to get in a jam like Julian Assange, let's take God's advice: "Stay away from honey traps!" (Proverbs 7). If we blow off that advice, it's our own stupidity, not the injustice of those that caught us, that we need to keep in view.